Distance Calculator Map
Distance :
Distance :
Use the text box below to add locations to be uploaded, plotted on the map and the distance between each calculated. You can input addresses separated with commas or locations in latitude, longitude format.
Use the data in the table below to export the latitude and longitude of the points on your distance route.
The distance calculator is designed to be as simple to use as possible. Please follow these steps to get up and running...
Some other features...
There is now an Export Table that lists the locations of the points on the route.
By Distance Calculator Map on 17/03/2016
The Cookie policy has been updated to be less intrusive
By Distance Calculator Map on 03/02/2016
Thanks for your comments, we will take them onboard.
By Distance Calculator Map on 30/01/2016
Cookie policy renders this site unusable, I won't be back.
Snap/Zoom to new marker click is annoying.
Move marker is very helpful
You should show a table of distances between markers plus running total
On 29 January 2016
On 29 October 2015
Very Good
On 09 March 2014
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